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Advent Calendar

Oh Come, Oh Come, Emmanuel
The season of Advent is a time of celebration of Christ's birth and expectant waiting of His second coming. This practice allows us to daily reset our hearts to HOPE in God's promises, PREPARE ourselves for His return, experience the PEACE and JOY that His birth brought, and give our ADORATION to Him through the action of loving our neighbors. We hope you'll join us as we practice this intentionality and care every day this Christmas season.

Build Something Special Together
Simply print and cut out the 25 cards below, and reveal a new Advent activity each day to the children in your life. Use the guides at the bottom of the PDF found at the link below to construct one building or structure each day, in order to end up with your own small city by the end of Advent - a reminder that together we can build a better city by helping our community's most vulnerable residents and by ending the cycle of social injustice and severe poverty, one person at a time.
Click the house icon to download the Advent Calendar to celebrate along with City Care and your loved ones
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